Digganobz in the Mortal Realms

My love for greenskins stems from the 90's tabletop game Gorkamorka (not to be confused with the god of Destruction in the Age of Sigmar). It took place on a desert planet in the 40k universe and featured Orks fighting versus other Orks, Grot Rebels, mutants and humans who wanted to be like Orks - Digganobz.

I've always liked the concept of orcy humans and thought the Diggaz would also work great in a fantasy setting like WHFB or Age of Sigmar. That's why I decided to build a small force of barbarians with green warpaint and add them to my Waaagh.

These miniatures were converted from Khorne Bloodbound Bloodreavers and a Slaughterpriest, an idea I stole from Les Couzes amazing Ladz de Gurkrab (which were featured in White Dwarf June 2019) and Morghot's Digganobz. The conversions were quite straightforward. I removed all marks of Chaos, gave them some Orc weapons and added orcy bits like jaws from the Citadel Skulls kit.


I came up with the following lore regarding my fantasy Digganobz: A tribe of human barbarians were enslaved by the Chaos Dwarfs/Duardin/Dawi-Zharr to work in their mines. When a Waaagh attacked the Chaos Dwarf stronghold, the slaves rebelled and joined the greenskin force. Eventually the combined forces of greenskins and humans defeated the Dawi-Zharr. Since that day the Diggaz aspire to be as orcy as possible, so they paint their skin green and behave like Orcs do.


In my opinion, the Khorne Bloodbound models fit this background quite nicely with their shackles and whip marks. In regards to WHFB lore, I can imagine that some human slaves of the Chaos Dwarfs joined Grimgor's Waaagh during the End Times.

I'm currently working on another warband of fantasy Digganobz rooted more deeply in the lore of the Mortal Realms, in the form of human followers of the god of Destruction Gorkamorka.


  1. Great idea, and they look fantastic

    1. Thanks! That's one of my favourite projects I've done to date, kitbashing is so much fun.


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