#MonsterMarch6 - Gorgrim Bloodjaw, Orruk Megaboss conversion

My next entry for Swordmaster's #MonsterMarch6 challenge is a conversion based on the Incredible Hulk miniature from Marvel Crisis Protocol. The model represents Megaboss Gorgrim Bloodjaw, the leader of my Destruction army. I started with a simple head swap (taken from a Black Reach Nob), gave him a club from the Ironguts kit and then added different pieces of armor. One of his shoulder pads is actually the backplate of an Ironjaw Brute, the other one is an Ogor gutplate. On his back he wears a large Kruleboy Skareshield taken from the Killaboss on Gnashtoof kit. I tried to incorporate bits from different armies of Destruction to emphasize him being the boss of all my orruks, ogors and grots. His elbow pads were originally orc and Blood Bowl ogre shoulder pads, while the armor on his club-swinging hand is an Ardboy shield. Surprisingly all those bits fit the Hulk model really well, there wasn't a lot of trimming necessary. Even the fleeing peasant (aka Johann Strehn) had th...