Mortal Citizens Sep 2022 - Flipgrot, rodeo clown

As I said in an earlier post, I'm still committed to finishing this years #mortalcitizens challenge even if I'm not able to do it in time. Sadly it seems like the challenge is more or less dead by now, I only noticed one other hobbyist posting their miniatures in the last months.
The theme for September was Entertainer and I decided to use a night goblin/moonclan grot from The Chase vignette which was released in 2009 (sculpted by Thais Mariblanca López).

Flipgrot worked as a jester at Skragrott's court until one of his jokes went too far. Eversince, his job is to distract the squigs during the famous squig rodeo. To the Loonking's disappointment he has survived more rodeos than any rodeo clown in history.

This miniature is also my first entry for this year's Paint What You Got Challenge hosted by Dave Stone.


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