Kitbashed Dragonborn Paladin

Some months ago, I decided to paint some miniatures for our Dungeons & Dragons group. Up until now, we used simple tokens for the heroes and enemies, so I thought it would be nice to have some painted models instead. Also, I was sure that my friends would be happy to get miniatures repesenting their characters. In the last blog post, I already presented my character, the Half-Orc Barbarian Zango. Next up is my mate's Dragonborn Paladin Levioth.

Since I do not own any Dragonborn miniatures, but I own a large amount of different Warhammer kits, I decided to create a kitbash using a Stormcast Eternals Knight-Vexillor as the base. I replaced the banner with a Vindictor shield and the human head with a skink head from the Stegadon kit. The tail is also from a skink, while the wings are from an old Warhammer Quest bat.
I based my conversion on the following drawing that my mate made of his character.

Finally, here's the party at the current state - three heroes are still missing, but I'm already working on them.


  1. Let's start by saying that we only learned what a dragonborn is a couple of years ago, reading the D&D "Baldur's Gate" comic together... However, your kitbashing is successful, given that at first glance it appeared to be an original miniature. We like the contrast between the gold metal of the armour and the blue of the skin/scales. Congratulations to your playmate too for the drawing. The heroes of your team all look very fearsome for now: will there also be less imposing beings, or does your adventure party hunt dragons for breakfast as a routine?

    1. Thanks! Haha, I guess you're right, they seem pretty fearsome. The two painted party members are definitely the largest and most imposing (as should be the case for an orc and a dragonborn). The remaining ones may be a bit more subtle, since they are more focused on ranged attacks and stealth.

  2. Excellent conversion snapfit, if I didn't know the parts, it could have been a store bought model, I really like the colour scheme as well, it portrays a character of great importance, look forward to seeing the other characters as you do them.

  3. An interesting conversion indeed. Well done!


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