OrcQuest Warpath: Heckarr & Jeckarr - Dwarvember

These two miniatures are my (late) entry for Keith's Dwarvember challenge. They are from the boardgame OrcQuest Warpath, which is basically HeroQuest, but you play as the bad ones.

Technically Heckarr & Jeckarr are not dwarves - the game calls them gnomes, but if you ask me they very much look like dwarves. Their design seems to be somewhat inspired by GW Chaos Dwarfs - from the tusks to the large hats to the blunderbuss. I did a bit of research and found out that the concept art was created by Helge C. Balzer (concept art of Jeckarr), while the sculpting was done by Gael Goumon (sculpts of Heckarr & Jeckarr).

 I really like the models, but they lack detail in some places, especially if you compare the plastics to the aforementioned digital sculpts. I guess that has to be expected from boardgame plastic miniatures. Apart from that they were really fun to paint.

I decided to embrace their Chaos Dwarf look, so I went with a caucasian flesh tone instead of green and used a lot of bronze for the armour. I thought about going for a red colour scheme, as a nod to the classic Chaos Dwarf from the 90s, but decided against it in the end.


  1. Excellent work on both snapfit, I can totally see the old Chaos Dwarf feel to the sculpts, and think your colour choices really fit the models.

    1. Thanks a lot, Dave! Yeah they immediately reminded me of Chaos Dwarfs, so I had to go that route when painting them.

  2. Hi, it's nice to see these latest works of yours. We weren't familiar with OrcQuest at all, but a reverse HeroQuest must be cool! Have you ever played this board game, or do you just paint the miniatures?
    Excellent choice of palette for these evil gnomes/dwarves - if in the first editions of Warhammer there were gnomes to support the dwarves, there may also be degenerate gnomes to support the chaos dwarves... The choice of bronze for the armour, instead of red, makes them more threatening and it is inspired by the artwork of Balzer - an illustrator we really like. What is their size? Are they smaller than the classic Citadel dwarves, or not?

    1. Thanks! I haven't played it yet, but I'm planning to. I just received the game in October and these are the first models I've painted.
      Very interesting, I didn't know there were gnomes in Warhammer. Yes, the bronze is similar to the artwork - but funnily enough I discovered the artwork after painting them, haha.
      I would say they are about the same size as Warhammer Dwarfs, they are on 25mm bases.


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