Savage Orruk Big Boss

I originally planned to paint this model for Orctober, but was only able to finish it last week. It's a Savage Orc/Orruk Big Boss and definitely one of my favourites of the Bonesplitterz range.

I decided to put the miniature on a square base, since I'm planning to use it in both OrcQuest and DnD to represent my Half-Orc barbarian "Zango the Madman". The next post will be another member of our DnD party - a Dragonborn - which I also finished last week.

In case you missed it: Dave is hosting the annual "Paint What You Got" challenge again which runs from today until the end of February. Since this (and the following) miniature were done before the challenge, I won't submit them as entries. I hope to finish my first entry at the beginning of the new year.


  1. We confess that this miniature, although far from the Oldhammer style, has always fascinated us for the wild dynamism of the pose. Compared to the boxart, the darker tones of red and green work well - and this combination is not easy, because you always risk a "Christmas tree effect"... Even the effect of the blood on the stone axe is successful.
    A doubt arises: if this badass is Zango the half-orc, who knows what a beast a pure-bred orc will be!

    1. Thanks! Yes, the pose is really dynamic, maybe my favourite pose of a Citadel miniature ever.
      Maybe I should have tried to create a "Christmas Tree effect", would fit the season perfectly, haha!
      The blood effect is simply "Blood for the Blood God", love that colour.
      Haha, you're absolutely right, wouldn't want to meet his parents! :D

  2. Fantastic job snapfit, really like your bold colours on him, and the blood effect on the stone axe looks perfect, looking forward to seeing your dragonborn


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