Tiefling Warlock & Imp

I managed to finish another two miniatures for our Dungeons & Dragons party, which are also my last entries for Dave's "Paint What You Got" challenge: The Tiefling warlock Skormus, accompanied by his pet imp.

For the warlock I used another miniature from OrcQuest Warpath, namely the human wizard Lothar the Enchanter. I wasn't able to find out who did the sculpt, but the artwork was done by Daniel Zrom. Of course Tieflings need horns, so I drilled two small holes in his head and added horns made of paper clips and greenstuff. Painting-wise I wanted to make it clear that he's an evil character, who is able to summon demons, so I opted for red and black as the main colours and added a (poorly drawn) pentagram to his book.

Since an imp is able to transform into either a raven, a rat or a spider - and most of the time in our adventures it was a rat - I decided it would be a great opportunity to use one of my old Warhammer Quest/Fantasy Swarms rats to represent the imp.
To make it obvious that it's a demon which was summoned by the warlock, and not a regular rodent, I used the same red and black colour scheme on the model.

Now the D&D party is nearly finished, only one hero is missing - let's see when I'll get around to painting him.


  1. Excellent work on both snapfit, the red tone on both models works really well at giving the sense of evil and ties the two models together nicely.

    1. Thanks, Dave! I'm glad that the colour scheme worked out - it's cool how the painting alone can change the character of a model, since the wizard is normally one of the good guys.

  2. Very nice work again on this pair of miniatures. R, who played D&D with the character of a tiefling last autumn, imagined it with the same colours - obviously this one is much more menacing, with his long robe and spellbook in hand. We also like the consistency in the colours between the character in his demonic form and in his animal form. Are you going to give away the party miniatures to your fellow players?

    1. Thanks R&D! I tried to make it clear that they belong together by using the same colours, glad that it seemed to work. Yes, that's the plan - I already gifted the Dragonborn to one of my mates.

  3. It's very cool you found a purpose for the good ol' rat. I totally agree with the previous commenters. Red and black palette works very well and makes it look demonic indeed! I like how well it fits the warlock too. Job well done, sir!

    1. Thanks a lot, potsiat! It's cool how two models from different manufacturers and eras fit together when painted in the same style.

  4. Lovely painting, and I'm very impressed with the tiefling conversion.


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