Squiggoth Stampede - Brutgoth

For Keith's annual Monster May(hem) challenge, I decided to paint a Mountain Brutgoth from Shieldwolf Miniatures. I got the model a few years ago from a Kickstarter and thought that now would be a good opportunity to finally get it painted. The Brutgoth can be seen as an alternative model for the GW Squiggoth, albeit for a fantasy instead of a sci-fi setting (Shieldwolf also produced a sci-fi version, the Steelgoth).

The model is a big chunk of resin and a great cast with lots of detail, although some gap-filling was necessary. The painting took a lot of time mainly because of the size of the model and my choice of primer - I opted for black, but should have gone for white in hindsight since painting yellow on black took ages. It was also one of those moments when I wished I had an airbrush, it would have saved so much time.

The howdah was a lot quicker to paint, since I primed it in white and used Contrast paints. The same goes for the crew, which are two Mountain Orcs also from Shieldwolf. Since I didn't like the original heads I replaced them wth Savage Orc heads from MaxMini and Kromlech. The crew is not glued in place so they can be replaced by any other miniatures - the Savage Orcs don't fit the style of the beast anyway in my opinion even if they were packaged with it.

To make the large flat metal areas more interesting, I decided to paint checked patterns on the shields (in combination with evil sun/ogre face icon bits) and added some ork transfers on the armour plates.
I really enjoyed the basing as well and quite like the outcome - it's a really large base (160mm) and allowed me to put lots of stuff on it.

Since I love Squiggoths and own a couple of them from different manufacturers (and even built my own a few years back), this will be the first in a series I call the Squiggoth Stampede. Let's see when another Squiggoth will join this one - I reckon it will take some time since I'm planning to paint some smaller (or rather regular-sized) miniatures in the near future.


  1. Excellent. That's a lovely mini, and you've done it proud.
    I don't have many big minis painted, but I'll have to look for something like this as a centrepiece.

    1. Thanks a lot! I'm sure a monster like this would look great as a centrepiece for your orcs.

  2. Excellent work snapfit, I hadn't seen this model before, and is a great proxy for a Squigoth. I find GW Yriel yellow works well on black, but does take a couple of coats.

    1. Thanks, Dave! I'll keep that in mind - I used Vallejo Sun Yellow and it took around 8 coats to get a good coverage, haha

  3. This looks fantastic, Snapfit. Very impressed with the submissions this year. I'll be posting a roundup soon. Thanks for taking part!

    1. Thanks for hosting the challenge, Keith - always a pleasure!

  4. Looks great - and congrats on getting it done - it's a hell of an impressive hunk of resin there (I've done nothing at all on my own one of this model, sadly!)
    An excellent centrepiece for your Green Boyz!

    1. Thanks, Azazel! Yes, it was quite a bit of work to get it painted, but definitely worth it. Cool that you own the model too, hope to see it some day on your blog!


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