The Ogres are coming to get ya!

I managed to finish two more Ogres/Ogors of the Red Maw Tribe, a Leadbelcher and an Irongut. I did the basecoats almost exactly one year ago, since I wanted to submit them to the last edition of Dave's "Paint What You Got" challenge, but didn't manage to finish them - so I'll submit them to this year's challenge instead. Both Ogres are slightly converted. The helmet and weapon of the Irongut are from the Mournfang Riders kit, which offers a nice collection of two-handed weapons and armour. I added a wheel to the Leadbelcher's cannon to give the impression that the Ogre just picked up a cannon from the battlefield and uses it against its former owners. I stole this idea from legendary converter Wudugast , be sure to check out his original conversion . I used a chariot wheel from Mini Monsters - seems like they are now producing cannon wheels as well so I might make another similar Leadbelcher in the future. I had a lot of fun painting the bronze cannon, a...