Savage Orruk Palanquin

When GW announced in spring that they would discontinue the Bonesplitterz (Savage Orcs) faction in AOS, I decided to get a box of Savage Orruks while they were still available. The box included two Big Stabbas, which is an overly large spear carried by two Orcs, and somehow I got the idea to combine them and kitbash a centrepiece model for my Bonesplitterz  - the Savage Orruk Palanquin.

Games Workshop never produced a centrepiece model for the faction, Orcs are either on foot or riding a boar. There are no giant beasts, which makes sense lore-wise, as the Bonesplitterz are monster-hunters that hunt the largest enemies in order to gain their might. I remember that Savage Orcs could use Boar Chariots in some editions of WHFB, but that never made sense to me, as a chariot seems too "high-tech" for them. They refuse to use metal or armour, so I assume that they also distrust the wheel. So this is more or less my interpretation of a Savage Orc Chariot.

The build was quite straightforward, it's two Big Stabbas with a platform inbetween, which I created out of sticks from the garden. To make it more interesting, I added a beast skull from Kromlech. The platform is large enough for a 32mm base, so the miniature on top can be switched. I found one miniature in my collection whose pose works really well with the palanquin, so I had to paint it as well. It's an Orc Brute from Avatars of War, a really fantastic sculpt. I'll use it to represent Neckbreaka Skullsplitta, the long-time chieftain of my Savage Orruk tribe Da Skullsplittaz.

I used Vallejo Goblin Green spray primer again, like I did with the wyvern, and as Savage Orruks are mostly skin painting went quite fast. The only thing I did was adding diluted Mantis Warriors Green (1:1 with Contrast Medium) on the base coat, followed by some Orruk Flesh highlights. For the Orcs carrying the palanquin I varied the washes/Contrast paints used to achieve different skin tones.

The palanquin including the Orc on top are another entry for Dave's Paint What You Got challenge.

Update: I found some WIP pictures, where you can see how the palanquin was built.


  1. Fantastic work in both the conversion and painting snapfit, it truly is a army centrepiece, and clever to be able to swap the character on top, plus if the warriors get killed that are carrying it, the chieftain can then carry on separate.

    1. Thanks, Dave! True, that's another benefit of the Boss not being glued on, didn't think of that!

  2. Excellent work. I love the green skin colours. Mine tend towards a much murkier colour, but yours really pop.

    1. Cheers! It was a lot of fun to experiment with different washes for the skin tones.


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