
Goblin encampment II - Season of Scenery

For this year's edition of Dave's Season of Scenery I managed to complete the rest of the Scotia Grendel goblin encampment that I started painting last year . I used a similar approach, relying mostly on Contrast paints, which again worked pretty well and didn't take an awful lot of time. In contrast to last year, I decided to vary the colours of the patches which gives the tents a more ramshackle look, fitting for goblin dwellings. Below is a shot of the complete kit, featuring a grot and a snotling chilling at their camp.

Squiggoth Stampede - Brutgoth

For Keith's annual Monster May(hem) challenge , I decided to paint a Mountain Brutgoth from Shieldwolf Miniatures. I got the model a few years ago from a Kickstarter and thought that now would be a good opportunity to finally get it painted. The Brutgoth can be seen as an alternative model for the GW Squiggoth, albeit for a fantasy instead of a sci-fi setting (Shieldwolf also produced a sci-fi version, the Steelgoth). The model is a big chunk of resin and a great cast with lots of detail, although some gap-filling was necessary. The painting took a lot of time mainly because of the size of the model and my choice of primer - I opted for black, but should have gone for white in hindsight since painting yellow on black took ages. It was also one of those moments when I wished I had an airbrush, it would have saved so much time. The howdah was a lot quicker to paint, since I primed it in white and used Contrast paints. The same goes for the crew, which are two Mountain Orcs also from

Tiefling Warlock & Imp

I managed to finish another two miniatures for our Dungeons & Dragons party, which are also my last entries for Dave's "Paint What You Got" challenge : The Tiefling warlock Skormus , accompanied by his pet imp. For the warlock I used another miniature from OrcQuest Warpath, namely the human wizard Lothar the Enchanter . I wasn't able to find out who did the sculpt, but the artwork was done by Daniel Zrom. Of course Tieflings need horns, so I drilled two small holes in his head and added horns made of paper clips and greenstuff. Painting-wise I wanted to make it clear that he's an evil character, who is able to summon demons, so I opted for red and black as the main colours and added a (poorly drawn) pentagram to his book. Since an imp is able to transform into either a raven, a rat or a spider - and most of the time in our adventures it was a rat - I decided it would be a great opportunity to use one of my old Warhammer Quest/Fantasy Swarms rats to represent

The Ogres are coming to get ya!

I managed to finish two more Ogres/Ogors of the Red Maw Tribe, a Leadbelcher and an Irongut. I did the basecoats almost exactly one year ago, since I wanted to submit them to the last edition of Dave's "Paint What You Got" challenge, but didn't manage to finish them - so I'll submit them to this year's challenge instead. Both Ogres are slightly converted. The helmet and weapon of the Irongut are from the Mournfang Riders kit, which offers a nice collection of two-handed weapons and armour. I added a wheel to the Leadbelcher's cannon to give the impression that the Ogre just picked up a cannon from the battlefield and uses it against its former owners. I stole this idea from legendary converter Wudugast , be sure to check out his original conversion . I used a chariot wheel from Mini Monsters - seems like they are now producing cannon wheels as well so I might make another similar Leadbelcher in the future. I had a lot of fun painting the bronze cannon, a

A Lone Wolf

Some of our Dungeons & Dragons characters own pets that fight alongside our party, so I decided to prepare some miniatures of them as well. Today I present to you the pet wolf of our Wood Elf Ranger that I finished last month. Of course it's another entry for Dave's "Paint What You Got" challenge 2024 . The base of the model is a Chaos Warhound, while the head and tail are from a Fenrisian Wolf. I took this idea from Sebastian Stuart's fantastic guide to kitbashing Goblin Wolf Riders . I always loved his Goblins of the Bloody Shield Tribe and plan on making some of my own in the near future, so this wolf was kind of a test model. I went with an upright pose, since I wanted to put the wolf on a square 25mm base like the other miniatures. As the Chaos Warhounds are a bit smaller than regular Warhammer wolves, this worked like a charm. I went for a rather simple paint job, using mostly drybrushing and Contrast paints - I'm quite happy with the result

OrcQuest Warpath: Elf Archer

My first entry for Dave Stone's "Paint What You Got" challenge 2024 is an Elf Archer from OrcQuest Warpath. Like last month's Heckarr & Jeckarr , this miniature was sculpted by Gael Goumon . The miniature was quite fun to paint, however it had some nasty mold lines that were difficult to remove without damaging the head. The model is going to get used in our D&D games as well to represent another member of our party, the Wood Elf Ranger Setarcos . Here's a group shot of the currently painted party members - two more to go.

Kitbashed Dragonborn Paladin

Some months ago, I decided to paint some miniatures for our Dungeons & Dragons group. Up until now, we used simple tokens for the heroes and enemies, so I thought it would be nice to have some painted models instead. Also, I was sure that my friends would be happy to get miniatures repesenting their characters. In the last blog post, I already presented my character, the Half-Orc Barbarian Zango . Next up is my mate's Dragonborn Paladin Levioth . Since I do not own any Dragonborn miniatures, but I own a large amount of different Warhammer kits, I decided to create a kitbash using a Stormcast Eternals Knight-Vexillor as the base. I replaced the banner with a Vindictor shield and the human head with a skink head from the Stegadon kit. The tail is also from a skink, while the wings are from an old Warhammer Quest bat. I based my conversion on the following drawing that my mate made of his character. Finally, here's the party at the current state - three heroes are still missin

Savage Orruk Big Boss

I originally planned to paint this model for Orctober, but was only able to finish it last week. It's a Savage Orc/Orruk Big Boss and definitely one of my favourites of the Bonesplitterz range. I decided to put the miniature on a square base, since I'm planning to use it in both OrcQuest and DnD to represent my Half-Orc barbarian "Zango the Madman". The next post will be another member of our DnD party - a Dragonborn - which I also finished last week. In case you missed it: Dave is hosting the annual "Paint What You Got" challenge again which runs from today until the end of February. Since this (and the following) miniature were done before the challenge, I won't submit them as entries. I hope to finish my first entry at the beginning of the new year.