Savage Orruk Palanquin

When GW announced in spring that they would discontinue the Bonesplitterz (Savage Orcs) faction in AOS, I decided to get a box of Savage Orruks while they were still available. The box included two Big Stabbas , which is an overly large spear carried by two Orcs, and somehow I got the idea to combine them and kitbash a centrepiece model for my Bonesplitterz - the Savage Orruk Palanquin. Games Workshop never produced a centrepiece model for the faction, Orcs are either on foot or riding a boar. There are no giant beasts, which makes sense lore-wise, as the Bonesplitterz are monster-hunters that hunt the largest enemies in order to gain their might. I remember that Savage Orcs could use Boar Chariots in some editions of WHFB, but that never made sense to me, as a chariot seems too "high-tech" for them. They refuse to use metal or armour, so I assume that they also distrust the wheel. So this is more or less my interpretation of a Savage Orc Chariot. The build was quite...